Blog & Debate
Welcome to the GJA blog space. Here we host critical debates on the key issues we face, as an organisation, as a movement of workers, and as a society.
Exposing the Great British Nuclear Fantasy
Image: recent blog posts and newsletter items, we’ve dealt extensively with the energy transition, including the fallacy of Carbon Capture and Storage. One aspect not covered thus far has been...
Labour and CCS: another response to the ‘dirty energytechno fix’
Our original compilation of responses to the ‘dirty energy technofix‘ article by Les Levidow and Simon Pirani included some comments from CACCTU Secretary, Ellen Robottom. Ellen has been extensively involved in the campaign for a genuine (as opposed to green washed)...
Labour and CCS: responses to the ‘dirty energy technofix’ blog
Last month, GJA published a blog, The Labour government’s dirty energy technofix must be contested and replaced, written by Les Levidow and Simon Pirani and, given how high profile and controversial the government’s plans are proving (see, for example, this Guardian...
Letters from Baku
This blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis. We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers everywhere in this crucial debate. Use...
Labour’s Climate Strategy – strengths and weaknesses
This blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis. We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers everywhere in this crucial debate. Use...
Peace and Planet: inextricably linked
Photo by Mohammed Ibrahim on UnsplashThis blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis. We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers...
The Labour government’s dirty energy technofix must be contested and replaced
This blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis. We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers everywhere in this crucial debate. Use...
Insorgiamo – We rise up
GKN Workers The Greener Jobs Alliance was part of the UK group that attended the ex-GKN Workers Assembly on 12 and 13 October in Florence, Italy. The delegation of 29 people from a range of union and solidarity organisations was co-ordinated by Reel News. In the...
Trade Unions, Worker Education and the Climate Crisis
Green shoots Image by eko pramono from Pixabay GJA has been publicising the instalments of Stuart Tannock’s research as they’ve emerged over the last year or two. Here is the fourth part of this fascinating and comprehensive study that will provide an invaluable...
The transition to renewables is not a threat to jobs in the North Sea, its the only lifeline that workers there have
Speech at the Rally for a Just Transition outside the Treasury last week By Paul Atkin When people say “We have to make the transition to sustainable energy BUT we need to save jobs” we need to change one word in that sentence. “We have to make the transition to...
More from TUC – Workplace Temperatures & Heat Strikes
Another important climate-related debate that took place at TUC this month was Motion 19, moved by BFAWU, on the risks to the health and safety of workers of rising temperatures and advocating for trade unions to join with climate campaigners in ‘Heat Strikes’. The...
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