Blog & Debate

Welcome to the GJA blog space.  Here we host critical debates on the key issues we face, as an organisation, as a movement of workers, and as a society.

Chinese Whispers 

Chinese Whispers 

By Paul Atkin The unilateral abandonment of responsibility for the future of humanity represented by Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, attempted sabotage of the US energy transition and international interventions to build a denialist international...

Exposing the Great British Nuclear Fantasy

Exposing the Great British Nuclear Fantasy

Image: recent blog posts and newsletter items, we’ve dealt extensively with the energy transition, including the fallacy of Carbon Capture and Storage.   One aspect not covered thus far has been...

Letters from Baku

Letters from Baku

This blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis.  We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers everywhere in this crucial debate. Use...

Labour’s Climate Strategy – strengths and weaknesses

Labour’s Climate Strategy – strengths and weaknesses

This blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis.  We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers everywhere in this crucial debate. Use...

Peace and Planet: inextricably linked

Peace and Planet: inextricably linked

Photo by Mohammed Ibrahim on UnsplashThis blog covers the most urgent issue currently facing the Trade Union movement as regards the climate crisis.  We would encourage feedback, response articles and replies from every perspective to ensure we do justice to workers...

Join the debate

Send us your contribution to the debate. We will contact you about using it here on our News & Debate page.