Exposing the Great British Nuclear Fantasy

Dec 4, 2024

Image: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nuclear_Power_Plant_Cattenom.jpg

In recent blog posts and newsletter items, we’ve dealt extensively with the energy transition, including the fallacy of Carbon Capture and Storage.  

One aspect not covered thus far has been nuclear power, felt by some to have a key role in decarbonising the energy system, but opposed by many others for its attendant dangers, massive expense and inevitable links to nuclear weapons (Keir Starmer recently: ‘ we need nuclear energy or we can’t have nuclear weapons’!).

Here, Professor Stephen Thomas of the University of Greenwich and Andrew Blowers of the Open University argue persuasively why nuclear power has no viable place in the energy transition.  

It is time to expose the Great British Nuclear Fantasy once and for all

As always, comments for or against are encouraged via use of the ‘join the debate’ form below, as we continue to work through the arguments in the energy transition.

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