A Trade Union Guide to Just Transition Quiz Results Well%20done!%20You%20know%20your%20stuff. Have%20another%20go! #1. The Lucas Alternative Plan is often quoted as the first UK trade union attempt to adopt a Just transition strategy. In what decade did it appear? 1970s 1980s 1960s #2. In 2015 the United Nations COP contained a reference to just transition. What is the name of the document? The Paris Agreement The Copenhagen Agreement The New York Agreement #3. According to ETUC research what is the main barrier to trade union involvement in just transition issues? Lack of financial resources Lack of priority Lack of competence #4. What is the name of the body established by the Scottish Government to deliver a Just Transition? The Just Transition Advisory Committee The Just Transition Task Group The Just Transition Commission #5. Which body supported the call for a Just Transition body covering the rest of the UK? The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs The Confederation of British Industry The Committee on Climate Change Previous Finish TELL US WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF THE COURSE A Trade Union Guide to Just Transition Course Feedback Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Trade Union/Organisation (if applicable)How did you hear about this course?Did the course improve your understanding of the meaning and history of the term Just Transition?YesNoSomewhatHas it improved your understanding of why Just Transition should be a priority issue?YesNoSomewhatHaving done the course, are you more likely to get involved in the issue (if you weren't already)?YesNoSomewhatWould you be interested in doing more courses like this?YesNoHow could we improve the course?Any other commentsEmailSubmit GO BACK TO A Trade Union Guide to Just Transition BACK TO COURSES