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The Greener Jobs Alliance promotes skills training and job creation to grow low carbon sectors and green the whole economy.

Transition to a zero-carbon and resource-efficient economy drives sustainable economic recovery and job creation and makes existing jobs more secure. This requires a strategic national and local approach to deliver the skills needed and stimulate demand for clean energy and energy efficiency services.

The Greener Jobs Alliance liaises at a national and local level to build the broadest possible support for the policies, investment, partnerships and commitments needed to drive the transition to a low carbon economy because:

  • Employers will not ‘green’ their operations without a clear national policy and incentives,
  • Workers need job security which current policies don’t ensure
  • Education providers will not support the development of new training programmes unless they can see a local demand for the courses offered
  • Households and businesses will not be able to introduce low carbon options if there is a lack of skilled staff capable of doing the work
  • The Greener Jobs Alliance works with training bodies, colleges, universities, employers, local and national government, trade unions, housing associations, campaign and community groups – to build the policies, investment and partnerships needed to drive the transition to a zero-carbon economy.

Supporting organisations include: UNITE, PCS, NEU, UCU, SOSUK, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Haldane Society of Socialist lawyers…

Blog & Debate

NEU Highlights Climate Crisis in its General Election Manifesto

NEU Highlights Climate Crisis in its General Election Manifesto

The NEU has added the climate crisis to its manifesto for the General Election.   This sentence has been added under section 1 funding This crisis (of school funding) coincides with an urgent need to decarbonise the school estate and ensure climate resilience and...

Mythbusters #3 “It’s gonna cost you?”

Mythbusters #3 “It’s gonna cost you?”

Photo by Tanya Prodaan on Unsplash In the PM election debate Rishi Sunak said, and I paraphrase, “I am not going to impose thousands of pounds of costs on you to rip out your boiler, change your car, convert your home” But from next year, it should save you money....

Welcome to our free online courses

A Trade Union Guide to Just Transition
Climate Change Awareness
Air Quality – a trade union issue