Upcoming Events
Dear Trade Unionists,
At 7pm next Tuesday, 4 February, Tipping Point UK is collaborating with Troublemakers at Work to host an online session on the struggle for a 4-day week.
How do we win a shorter working week without loss of pay or the intensification of work? Hear from union reps’ success and campaigns for this demand.
- Ben Davies, Unite rep at Shelter who have been trialing a 4 days week
- Alex Read, PCS rep at DEFRA who are campaigning for the 4 days week
- Delphine Schlosser, from Unite at Frontline AIDS with info on their campaign and the positive potential carbon impact of the 4-Day week
- Phil Lindsey, Organiser at the 4-Day week campaign
More details and registration here.
In solidarity
Clara Tipping Point UK
All out against Trump rally at US Embassy Saturday 11th January at 1.00pm
GKN Florence Solidarity Film Night at Bread and Roses Thursday 23rd January 7-9pm (plus “Save our plant” Luton Vauxhall workers go into battle with Stellantis).

Join us at the US embassy on Saturday 11 January 1.00 pm to send a strong visual message ahead of Trump’s inauguration rejecting his climate denial and demanding urgent action.
As the world heats up, the window to avoid the worst impacts of climate catastrophe is rapidly closing. The US is already the world’s largest oil and gas producer. Now their federal government will be entirely in the hands of those who deny climate change and will stop at nothing to pursue profits. Even more alarming is Trump’s intention to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement. If the wealthy, polluting US walks away from global climate negotiations, it is possible others will follow, unravelling the process.
Trump emboldens climate deniers and the far right around the world. His attacks on democracy and human rights are frightening, and we will stand in solidarity with those resisting in the US. The impact of his climate policies may be overlooked in comparison, but they threaten the homes, livelihoods and lives of billions around the world, especially in the poorest countries who have done least to cause the climate crisis.
It will be crucial how the rest of the world responds to Trump, including the UK. If countries step up to phase out fossil fuels and provide desperately needed finance to countries on the front line of climate breakdown, we have a chance. No more hypocrisy and greenwash.
In 2025 a strong, international climate movement is more important than ever. Join us to start the year how we mean to go on.
Sign up to get more details nearer the time and let us know if you can help out on the day or beforehand.
Trump on the campaign trail: “We don’t have a global warming problem”. He mocked rising sea levels: “The ocean’s going to rise one eighth of an inch over the next 400 years and you’ll have more oceanfront property”. Weeks later, fuelled by abnormally warm seas, Hurricanes Helene and Milton hit the US causing over 230 deaths, and destruction estimated at around $200 billion.
US embassy, Nine Elms Lane, London SW11 7US
Sponsored by Campaign against Climate Change

On 23 January Battersea and Wandsworth TUC and the Morden & Oval branch of RMT are sponsoring this film showing and meeting in support of the GKN workers near Florence who have been occupying the site of their plant and fighting to convert it to ecological production.
Showing https://reelnews.co.uk Reel News’ short film updating on the latest with the struggle.
You can just turn up, or register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gkn-florence-workers-struggle-and-just-transition-solidarity-film-night-tickets-1134577103659.
Short link: https://bit.ly/GKNsolidaritymeeting)

Online Energy Campaigns Strategy Day 9 November
The Energy Campaigns Strategy Day this Saturday 9 November,
Organiser Ellen Robottom writes:
We would love people to stay for the whole day to build a picture of how the different aspects of our campaigning fit together, but if you can’t do the whole day you are still welcome to join for as long as you can (the link will be open all day).
This is the first of two events planned to help us draw collectively on our varied activist and organising backgrounds, to build an effective movement for a decarbonised energy system and for energy justice for workers and communities. A second event to help us build on and develop this work will take place on 1 February, in Leeds.
Below is a rough schedule for the day. Please do contact me with any queries.
Hope to see many of you on Saturday!
Best wishes,
Schedule of this Saturday’s online event:
10.30 – Intro to the day
10.40 – 11.45 – Plenary: overview of government energy strategy and plans, including transition pland for workers, technologies and finance/subsidies, with speakers to set the scene
- Paul Atkin (Greener Jobs Alliance)
- Pete Cannell (Scot E3: Employment, Energy, Environment)
- Tony Staunton (CND)
- Ellen Robottom (Campaign Against Climate Change/CACC Trade Union Group)
- Q+A/Comments
12 – 1pm – Discussion groups: what does a decarbonised and equitable energy system look like and include, and what are the current barriers and issues that need to be addressed in our campaigns and organising?
1pm – 1.45 – Break
1.45 – 2.45 – Intro to some of the campaigns happening currently and the different approaches adopted, with speakers:
- Ruby Earle (Platform) Just transition for workers
- Nicky Crosby (HyNot) Campaign against HyNet CCS/hydrogen greenwash
- Cordelia and Lisa: Insure our Future/Insure our Survival campaigns
- More to be confirmed
- Q+A/Comments
2.45 – 3pm Break
3pm – 4pm Discussion– complementary strategies, alliances, solidarity between different actors (unions, site- and issue-based campaigns, legal work, direct action, community organising ….). How to bring together our strengths and experiences and identify key demands to build a powerful movement.
4pm – 4.30pm – plenary: where do we go from here; what are the priorities for further work; who else do we need in the room; what do we need from our next (in-person) strategy day?

Climate Bloc: Stop Tommy Robinson, stop the far right
Saturday 26 October 2024

Stop Tommy Robinson, stop the far right – Saturday 26 October
IEF online meeting 7.30 pm 26 September 2024
The environmental impact of war
The environmental consequences of armed conflicts and military activities impact people and ecosystems. Using examples from Ukraine and Gaza, we will explore these direct and indirect impacts and learn more about how growing visibility and concern for the environment is translating into legal and policy change.
Speaker: Doug Weir
Director of the Conflict and Environment Observatory
Join IEF Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 6534 8892
Passcode: 063415
Islington Environment Forum (IEF) promotes discussion, information and campaigning for climate justice and the environmental sustainability.

Clean Air Day 20 June, 2024
What can we do about air pollution at work?
For Clean Air Day 2024 TUCAN and the Greener Jobs Alliance are premiering a new film.
Join us on Thursday evening to see this short film and to discuss the new Workers Guide to action on indoor workplace air pollution, produced by TUCAN (Trade Union Clean Air Network) and Greener Jobs Alliance.
Thursday 20 June, 6.30-8.00pm
Sign up to Eventbrite link below to receive your zoom link for the Clean Air Day eventhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/
e/hazards-campaign-thursday- talk-clean-air-day-tickets- 919462445927?
The climate crisis is making work unsafe and unhealthy and putting lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. A climate crisis that is doubly impacting on workers lives by creating suffocating and deadly air.
In the UK more than 40,000 people a year will die as a result of air pollution. And it’s not just about traffic fumes but workers are exposed to toxic indoor air as well.
The new guide provides workers with concrete actions they can take to work with their employers to reduce the air pollution they are exposed to.(2)
The Hazards Campaign calls for more urgent action to ensure that workers are not exposed to unsafe and polluted air inside and outside the workplace. (3)
1. https://www.hazardscampaign.
3. https://www.hazards.org/
For more information and to let us know what you are doing, please contact Janet Newsham – coordinator janet@gmhazards.org.uk
Building Climate Literacy into Skills Training – the Canadian experience
Tuesday 14 May 1- 2 pm
in person at UCU HQ ,Carlow Street London NW1
Nearest tube Mornington Crescent
Email Tahirlatif51@icloud.com
One of the strategic problems with making a green transition in the UK is the chronic skills shortages in key trades. But, making that transition depends not only on training up a new generation of engineers, plumbers, fitters, carpenters, retrofitters, heating specialists, designers across the whole range of occupations, it is embedding climate literacy into each and every course, so that apprentices and reskilling workers understand not only the technicalities involved in the jobs they will be doing, but the overall social imperative of doing them, and doing them well. This is a necessary part of re-educating and retooling our society at all levels so that the people doing the work to make the transition are also driving it throughout society.
Dr John Calvert and Professor Linda Clarke have been working with the Canadian trade unions to get climate literacy embedded into the new set of standards for training courses in the Canadian construction trade. In this meeting they will explain how that was done, and Linda will touch on current developments in the EU too.
See also
- pps 6&7 of our last Newsletter.
- The Canadian Building Trades (CBTU) web site where the Building it Green initiative can be found, including the webinar hosted by CBTU’s leadership on the importance of understanding the impact of climate change on the construction industry and its workers. Look here https://buildingtrades.ca/workforce-dev/building-it-green/
- The statement on climate literacy from the organization that oversees Canada’s apprenticeship programs, underscoring
- the importance for construction workers of understanding the significance of climate change. https://www.red-seal.ca/eng/resources/roles.shtml
For a Just Transition for Steel Workers
Sign up here for this urgent Lunch and Learn at 12 noon on Tuesday 19th March, where we’ll hear from Anna Markova from the TUC about the risks to jobs at the British Steel plant in Scunthorpe, and what steps climate activists and organisations can take to support workers whose jobs are under threat and push for a just transition in industry in the UK.
While unions are balloting for strike action over the planned closure of blast furnaces in Port Talbot and fighting to protect over 2,000 jobs, there is only one more blast furnace site remaining in the UK, with four and a half thousand jobs: British Steel’s plant in Scunthorpe.
- Can a similar plan of mass job losses there still be prevented?
- What can we do now?
- And what should our future strategies look like to support rapid and just transitions in steel and across UK manufacturing industries?
Anna Markova works on the NEON and TUC worker-led transition project which is supporting unionised workers in high carbon industries – including steel – to achieve a Just Transition in their workplaces.
Now We Rise / 9 December COP 28 Day of Action
With COP28 taking place in the United Arab Emirates, climate activists the world over are taking part in a Global Day of Action on 9 December to demand more than the tepid efforts we’ve come to associate with COPs. Find details of the many demonstrations, rallies and marches taking place across the U.K. on the day HERE.
With the creation of climate jobs being a crucial element of the transformation we need to bring about, it’s vital that trade unions are a strong and visible force at these events. GJA, together with our colleagues at Campaign Against Climate Change and Climate Justice Coalition, have produced a placard that makes clear the link between trade unions and climate change. Download the artwork HERE and you can insert your own unions logo if you wish.
Our hope is to have unions showing a united front on this important day, and coming together with fellow activists worldwide to demand the jobs required to avoid climate catastrophe.

Our Power: A Just Transition for Offshore workers, online meeting, 19 April at 13.00
TUC Job Advert
Project Officer – Just Transition – Trades Union Congress TUC (current-vacancies.com)
We’re looking for two new staff to support trade union reps to lead Worker-Led Transitions to a green economy in steel, automotive, and other manufacturing industries. To future-proof these jobs against climate change and offshoring.
- Are you keen to help tackle climate change while protecting manufacturing jobs?
- Do you have experience supporting workers as a trade union rep or activist?
- And are you good at establishing constructive working relationships?
Then we’d like to hear from you.
The role can be based in Birmingham, Cardiff, Liverpool or Newcastle with occasional travel within the UK. There’s one full-time and one part-time role available, both on a fixed-term contract for 36 months.
Salary: £40,448 (per annum pro rata)
Deadline to apply: 6 March 2023.
Full details and application procedure.
Project Officer – Just Transition – National UK
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) exists to make the working world a better place for everyone. We bring together 5.5 million working people who make up our 50 member unions. We support unions to grow and thrive, and we stand up for everyone who works for a living. Join us. Project Officer, Wo
If you have any questions or if you’re unsure about applying, please reach out to amarkova@tuc.org.uk or text 07717 531168. There’s also a briefing specifically for Black / BME candidates – see the job app pages.
No degree qualification expected; we’d rather hire someone who understands trade unions and/or manufacturing industries.

Thursday 16 February 2023 at 15:00-17:00 GMT / 16:00-18:00 CET
The aviation industry is currently facing big challenges to reduce its environmental impact. Aviation workers are speaking up and developing their own vision of the future for air travel and the prospects for a worker-driven transformation of the sector.
We invite aviation workers to a conversation about their future and job security in a world of climate crisis. The event, hosted by Safe Landing and Transport & Environment (T&E) will include various speakers and an opportunity to connect, discuss and strategise with like-minded aviation workers across various countries.
Register below, and see you on the 16th of Feb!

BOLD SOLUTIONS: The economic, climate and energy crises and how we fix them
Date: Thursday 1 December 2022, 9.30 – 5.45pm. Register here.
Location: TUC, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
Speakers invited include: TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady, Ed Miliband, London Deputy Mayor Shirley Rodrigues, Make UK Head of Campaigns Bhavina Bharkada, We Own It Director Cat Hobbs
Both our economy and our planet are in crisis.
Bills and sea levels are rising at an unprecedented rate. Nationally, the cost-of-living scandal is driving absolute poverty and forcing millions into increasingly desperate conditions. Globally, climate change is threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions of workers. These crises are parallel and inter-linked.
We urgently need a politics that builds a safe climate for future generations, a rapid and just transition with quality jobs, and an economy that rewards work, not wealth. The TUC is convening a conference to bring trade unions, economic justice movements and climate activists together to gather solutions.
Programme of Sessions:
How do we communicate an ambitious vision for climate action that is socially just? With: Rachel Wolf (Founding Partner, Public First), Antonia Bance (Head of Campaigns and Communications, TUC), Funmibi Ogunlesi (NEON, TBC), and Roger Harding
Future-proofing high carbon jobs. With: Kate Dearden (Head of Policy, Community), Bhavina Barkada (Director of Communications, Make UK), Anna Markova (TUC), and Tony Devlin (National Officer for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Process & Textiles, Unite).
Climate, Energy & Inequality Crises: How we future-proof our society. With: Shirley Rodrigues (Deputy Mayor of London), Chris Morris (Deputy Head of Research and Policy, USDAW), Fatima Ibrahim (Co Executive Director, Green New Deal Rising, TBC), Michelle Singleton (UNISON).
How do we ensure Green Jobs are Quality Jobs. With: Jonathan Reynolds (Shadow BEIS Secretary, TBC), Sue Ferns (Assistant General Secretary, Prospect), Melanie Onn (Deputy Chief Executive, Renewables UK, TBC), Andy Prendergast (National Secretary, Commercial Services)
Public ownership of energy – for a safe climate. With: Ed Miliband (Shadow Secretary for Climate Change & Net Zero, TBC), Frances O’Grady (General Secretary, TUC), Simon Coop (National Officer for Energy, Unite), Mika Minio-Paluello (TUC), Cat Hobbs (We Own It).