NEU Highlights Climate Crisis in its General Election Manifesto

The NEU has added the climate crisis to its manifesto for the General Election.
This sentence has been added under section 1 funding
This crisis (of school funding) coincides with an urgent need to decarbonise the school estate and ensure climate resilience and energy efficiency. A long term plan is needed to ensure all our schools are safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable places to work and learn.
These sentences have been added under section 3 Curriculum
Not enough of the curriculum feels relevant to students, nor is it preparing students for a world changed due to climate change. With mounting concerns around attendance, curriculum reform could re-engage those students who are not in school, and fight rising student disaffection.
We are calling on the next government to:
- Review and modernise the curriculum, ensuring it is broad, diverse, inclusive and fit for the future. This must guarantee access to the arts for all, delivered by expert teachers, and give students more time for PE and outdoor learning. It must also include teaching about climate change, nature and green skills.
Anyone taking part in hustings, especially around Education – or more generally – should make sure that these points are highlighted in next two and a half weeks so we bring the weight of organised educators to bear on candidates.
NEU Climate Change Network (NEU members can join the network by emailing neuclimatechangenetwork@gmail. com)