
We cover a wide range of pressing issues in our monthly Newsletters. We also produce Special Editions examining one issue that is pivotal to the moment and bring together a range of views and initiatives on how to go forward.

Newsletter 62

Newsletter 62

July 2024

Three challenges for the new government

1. Face up to an attack from the Conservative/Reform rump

In the last days of a strangely flat election campaign, in which the climate crisis had been mostly conspicuous by its absence, Ed Miliband made a speech urging voters “to show that the Conservative Party and Rishi Sunak made a mistake by trying to break the climate consensus in this country”.

Read it here

Newsletter 61

Newsletter 61

June 2024

The Stakes on July 4th

In a recent survey by IZA, 83% of people in the UK said they wanted more action from the government to stop climate breakdown.

The climate vote survey we link to below shows that not a single Conservative MP has a good voting record on climate and their government has gone out of its way to try to mobilise people against action on it.

The fewer of them that come back, the better.

Read the newsletter here.

Newsletter 60

Newsletter 60

May 2024

Green Straws in the Wind

The even heavier than expected defeat of Susan Hall in the London Mayoral election, after she made her campaign a “referendum on ULEZ”, has wider lessons for anyone who wants to be “close to the voters” in the coming General Election and after.

Latest figures from the ONS show 61% of people rating climate change as an important issue facing the UK. Only the cost of living, the NHS and “the economy’’ score higher. Housing, crime, immigration and international conflict are all rated lower.

Read the newsletter here.

Newsletter 59

Newsletter 59

April 2024

Victories and success stories

It is easy to be disillusioned with the last few weeks of national politics, with the rhetoric of division being stoked up.

Even more so when we think of the challenges of addressing the Climate Crisis- but we must, because all of our futures depend on it.


Read the newsletter here.

Newsletter 58

Newsletter 58

March 2024

Editorial: there are no “loopholes” in the laws of physics

With February being the ninth consecutive month that set an all time high temperature record, reports that Ministers are seeking to exploit a “loophole” in the Climate Change Act to “carry over” reductions in carbon emissions resulting from covid lockdowns to relax targets for the next carbon budget, exposes their detachment from reality.

Read the newsletter here.

Newsletter Archive

Special Editions

TUC Supplement

TUC Supplement





Union Voice

Union Voice