Newsletter Archive
Newsletter 60
May 2024
Green Straws in the Wind
The even heavier than expected defeat of Susan Hall in the London Mayoral election, after she made her campaign a “referendum on ULEZ”, has wider lessons for anyone who wants to be “close to the voters” in the coming General Election and after.
Latest figures from the ONS show 61% of people rating climate change as an important issue facing the UK. Only the cost of living, the NHS and “the economy’’ score higher. Housing, crime, immigration and international conflict are all rated lower.
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Newsletter 59
April 2024
Victories and success stories
It is easy to be disillusioned with the last few weeks of national politics, with the rhetoric of division being stoked up.
Even more so when we think of the challenges of addressing the Climate Crisis- but we must, because all of our futures depend on it.
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Newsletter 58
March 2024
Editorial: there are no “loopholes” in the laws of physics
With February being the ninth consecutive month that set an all time high temperature record, reports that Ministers are seeking to exploit a “loophole” in the Climate Change Act to “carry over” reductions in carbon emissions resulting from covid lockdowns to relax targets for the next carbon budget, exposes their detachment from reality.
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Newsletter 57
February 2024
“Ambition were made of sterner stuff”: The £28 billion pound question
What is more irresponsible than ditching a green industrial plan in the middle of a climate emergency?…Voters want to know that Labour will change the country for the better rather than just muddling on.” Guardian Editorial 3/2/24
Just muddling on it is, then?
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Newsletter 56
January 2024
Getting ourselves on the right side of history
With 2023 the hottest year on record, we know that however severe the consequences of the climate crisis are this year, it will be worse next year. As Prof Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University put it, “every year for the rest of your life will be one of the hottest on record…2023 will end up being one of the coldest years this century. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
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Newsletter 55
December 2023
COP that!
This year’s COP has already thrown up a number of bizarre statements, from Rishi Sunak showing what a small figure he is by admitting that “we’re not moving quickly or effectively enough” and “the costs of inaction are intolerable”, while claiming that “the UK is leading the charge” by the uniquely effective strategy of scrapping its most ambitious targets and going slower.
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Newsletter 54
November 2023
A King’s speech for fossils
Keeping below 1.5C now requires us to get to net zero by 2034. That makes the present government’s slow down criminally irresponsible.
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Newsletter 53
October 2023
Short term decisions for a catastrophic future
Rishi Sunak’s decision to back off even further from climate mitigation plans already condemned as inadequate and illegal in the courts,to generate a political backlash to garner his failing government a few votes, takes the Conservative Party a step further towards the realms of delirious denial inhabited by Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Javier Millei on the crackpot far right.
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Newsletter 52
September 2023
Doublethink in Downing Street
With the impact and urgency of the climate crisis increasingly evident, we are nevertheless seeing a conscious backsliding of climate commitments on the part of the UK government.
We are no longer standing on one of Boris Johnson’s delusionary pyramids of patriotic piffle about the UK “leading the world”, but are told that we will “achieve net zero” in a “pragmatic” and “proportionate” way. In other words, at a pace that is comfortable for fossil fuel companies like Shell; working, as it is, on a timescale for Net Zero that’s between fifty and a hundred years too late.
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Newsletter 51
August 2023
In response to being asked about the climate crisis last year, Rishi Sunak said that his young daughters were always asking, “what are you doing about the environment Daddy?”
An honest answer might be, “nothing that affects the profitability of the oil companies darling”..
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Newsletter 50
July 2023
Long hot Summer, Autumn and Winter
The hottest June ever, daily temperature records broken three times in the first week of July, the Southern US under a heat dome, Beijing breaking 40C three days in a row, Montevideo down to two weeks worth of drinkable water and an extraordinarily mild Antarctic Winter 10 – 20C above average temperatures from 1979-2000, should be injecting an increased urgency into climate action. and others are calling for mass actions this November and we should make sure there is a huge trade union component to those. The ice is cracking under our feet.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 49
June 2023
Justly Stop Oil!
The decision by Labour to stop all new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea is the right one. It will also be popular. The IPCC has stated again and again that new oil and gas exploration is incompatible with sustaining a climate we can survive in. There is no wriggle room on this and the consequence of a failure to take decisive action now is already coming back to bite us very hard.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 48
May 2023
El Nino is Coming. We need Two, Three, Many Big Ones!
While imaginative non-violent direct action gets headlines, mass mobilisations build movements. XR’s Big One demonstration, over the weekend of 21 – 24 April, was a huge rolling mix of lobbies, pickets, rallies, discussions, education events (and drumming) bringing together diverse strands of the climate movement in an empowering, fluid and harmonious way right across Westminster and redefining the space in a creative way that must have had the leader writers at the Daily Mail grinding their teeth at how peaceful and positive it all was.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 47
April 2023
Meet the New Plan – Same as the Old Plan
The Government’s Powering Up Britain Report doubles down on all the structural problems that led to their High Court defeat in September.
Shapps’s update is still based primarily on techno fixes; Great British Nuclear, Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage and a Net Zero Hydrogen Fund. All three of these are based on untested and hopeful technological punts instead of going hell for leather for renewables.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 46
March 2023
Car Wars
This edition of the Newsletter opens up debate on how we make a just transition in transport.
With transport producing just under a quarter of UK emissions and no progress in cutting them for a decade, serious measures are overdue.
This is not so much about simply shifting from fossil fuel to electric-powered personally owned vehicles as a deeper shift in how we travel, and what in.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 45
February 2023
Summer is Coming
It’s going to be a long, hot Summer in more ways than one. The last few years of exceptionally hot weather have been during a La Nina period, when the Earth’s temperature is supposed to be lower than average. This Spring we move into an El Nino upswing, with ferocious heat spikes demonstrating the warning that, unless we act faster and more profoundly, the 1.5C limit will slip beyond our grasp.This should be a klaxon going off in all our heads demanding action.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 44
January 2023
The People’s Priorities?
Rishi Sunak is wrong. His five priorities are not the same as those of the public -which, according to the Office for National Statistics, are the cost of living (92%)and the state of the economy (77%), the health service (80%), Climate Change and the Environment (63%) and housing (50%). So, climate change is now permanentlya major concern, while, despite strenuous attempts by government and media toplay dog whistles on trombones, immigration is right down at number 8.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 43
December 2022
After the COP, now what?
It’s obvious that the pace of action is slower than the rate of breakdown. Part of the problem is that fossil fuel companies are embedded in the COP process; often incognito in government delegations and therefore in the rooms where the rules are made and loopholes drilled.
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Newsletter 42
November 2022
Lost and Damaged
With the UN confirming that they see ‘no credible pathway’ to keep below a 1.5C average rise in global temperature, we are now in a period of desperate damage limitation. It’s not 1.5C or let it rip because no other limit is worth the bother. The higher above 1.5C we allow it to get, the worse it will be. We have to fight for every gram of carbon reduction we can get as quickly as we can get it.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 41
October 2022
Enough is enough. Truss on the skids
The scale of the crisis is growing. The floods in Pakistan and hurricane impacts on Florida show that climate breakdown is beginning to hit us on a bigger scale, accelerate and pile up, making recovery increasingly hard. The urgency of action has never been more apparent and we are in a period of damage limitation, in more ways than one.
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Newsletter 40
September 2022
Everything they touch turns to Truss
Our new and unimproved Prime Minister, Liz Truss, opposes onshore wind and plans aggressive new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea and will try to have another go at fracking. This is motivated by the current increase in costs for oil and gas – which makes them expensive for consumers and profitable for producers.
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Newsletter 39
July/August 2022
Please use this newsletter
Its more and more apparent that the labour and trade union movement has to step up, not just to get a voice in the green transition, but to try to make sure that we have one at all.
This Newsletter aims to be a tool to help activists do just that.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 38
May 2022
Four answers to the energy and climate crises
The rapidly increasing costs of fossil fuels in the context of “post pandemic” increases in demand, overlaid by the impact of the war in Ukraine and sanctions attendant on it that will get worse the longer it goes on, will drive mass discontent that will really hit home; particularly after the next rise in the price cap in October. The gaping climate holes in the government’s strategy are onshore wind and retrofitting. This makes agitational campaigns on both imperative.
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Newsletter 38
May 2022
Four answers to the energy and climate crises
The rapidly increasing costs of fossil fuels in the context of “post pandemic” increases in demand, overlaid by the impact of the war in Ukraine and sanctions attendant on it that will get worse the longer it goes on, will drive mass discontent that will really hit home; particularly after the next rise in the price cap in October. The gaping climate holes in the government’s strategy are onshore wind and retrofitting. This makes agitational campaigns on both imperative.
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Newsletter 37
March 2022
The Price of Gas
The government’s decision to fast track licences for 6 new oil and gas fields in the North Sea is a determined step in exactly the wrong direction.
It will do nothing to reduce energy bills. Development can take from 5-10 years before any gas or oil is actually produced, so there will be no short term impact on supply and therefore on price.
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Newsletter 36
January/February 2021
Between the COPs
Until we solve this crisis, or it overwhelms us before we can, we are now permanently between COPs. Targets now have to be ratcheted up at every COP.
As we move into 2022 and towards the COP in Egypt, carbon emissions are still increasing, intense weather patterns are wreaking havoc; and there are four crucial shifts pending.
Read the newsletter here.
Newsletter 35
November/December 2021
COP and beyond. Don’t Despair – Organise!
We are in for a prolonged struggle. Every day the crisis gets worse we have the choice of passivity and despair, or action and hope. Every day we have to ask ourselves the questions, if not us, who? If not now, when?
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Newsletter 34
September/October 2021
Government must put its money where its mouth is
After a summer of wildly turbulent weather, and as we head into the TUC and Party conferences, voters concern that climate breakdown is a serious issue has doubled; and is now second only to dealing with COVID in the front of their minds.
Read the newsletter here.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 33
July/August 2021
Mind the Gap
The popularity of a Green New Deal and Just Transition is driven by the prospect of millions of new jobs: their necessity by the terrifying reality of climate change impacts that are becoming more intense with every day that passes.
Read the newsletter here.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 32
May/June 2021
From the G7 to the COP
The announcement of a net-zero 2060 target by China and the election of Joe Biden in November began to break the logjam blocking the Paris Agreement.
But we require a structural shift in priorities if we don’t want the future to burn through our hands. The new pledges currently being made would take us to a 2.4C average temperature increase by century’s end; down from the 2.6C previously projected. Current policies and practice, however, still have us heading for 2.8C (a world of chronic water and food shortages, flooding coastal cities, overwhelmed and collapsing states).
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 31
March/April 2021
Budget. Where are the Green Jobs?
Speaking at the annual conference of the Association of British Insurers in February, the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency Sir James Bevan said, “What they teach you at Harvard Business School is that the main thing is to make sure the main thing really is the main thing. There is only one main thing: the climate emergency.”
Although this speech is on the government web site, no one sent that memo to the Chancellor.
Read the newsletter here
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 30
January/February 2021
‘Government falls at the first hurdle of Build Back Better’
This government has been keen to adopt terms like ‘green industrial revolution’ and ‘build back better’ as part of its posturing on the recovery from the pandemic. Now, on 18th January, Prime Minister Johnson unveiled the Build Back Better Council made up of bankers, oil giants and aviation firms.
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 29
November/December 2020
10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution
On November 17, Prime Minister Johnson broadcast to the nation his ‘10-point plan for a Green Industrial revolution.’ Except it’s not. What’s missing? A strategic plan to reach net zero by 2050 and the public investment in jobs and skills to match.
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 28
Editorial: When will this government see the green light?
Both the TUC and the CBI are urging the government to invest now to create over a million new green jobs in response to rising unemployment and the COVID-19 crisis. As the Tories’ ‘furlough scheme’ comes to an end, the TUC is calling for a new Job Protection and Upskilling Plan. New support for businesses must come with strings attached, unions say, to promote decent work, protect jobs and give union rights. Meanwhile, the CBI, the employers’ organisation, says we face ‘two seemingly separate yet fundamental problems: Covid-19 – the biggest health crisis in living memory – and climate change, the defining challenge of the modern era.’
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 27
July/August 2020
Please spare us another ‘world beating’ claim
On 21 July, Prime Minister Johnson announced a £350m ‘green funding package’ to support efforts to drive down carbon emissions from heavy industry, construction, space and transport. He said it would ‘fuel a green, sustainable recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. He added, ‘We’ve made great strides towards our net zero target over the last year.’
Meanwhile, out in the real world, the Committee on Climate Change says meagre progress has been made over the last year to build the foundations for the transition to a net zero emissions economy. As we report below, exhausted from trying to get the Prime Minister to act, the government’s independent advisers have now resorted to direct appeals to Ministers.
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The following newsletters have been archived.
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 26
May/June 2020
‘A stronger, fairer, greener country’
‘We can emerge from this crisis a stronger, fairer, greener country’, says the #BuildBackBetter campaign. Ministers are preparing to unveil an economic stimulus package in early July, in an attempt to stave off what is expected to be the biggest recession in living memory following the coronavirus crisis. But the TUC says government must learn the lessons of the coronavirus crisis. It wants A Better Recovery programme, combining ‘making work fairer’ with a massive new investment in public services and low carbon projects. A second TUC report, Cutting Carbon, Growing Skills, says ‘working people must be equipped with the new skills and training for the better economy.’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 25
March/April 2020
CORVID-19 lessons for the climate crisis
The unprecedented, government-led, global response to the coronavirus models how the climate crisis needs to be addressed. At some point this year, when we turn our attention back to the climate crisis, we will be much the wiser for having re-learned the meaning of community solidarity, responsible government and expert advice. Hopefully we will now appreciate the dangers of scientific ignorance in response to a major threat.
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The following newsletters have been archived.
Please contact us if you would like to view them.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 24
January/February 2020
Building a UK climate movement
We have 10 months to go until the United Nation’s 26th international climate conference opens in Glasgow on 9th November 2020, and an awful lot to do in that time. But, taking inspiration from the half-million people on the streets of Madrid in December and the fantastic People’s Summit and other activities organised there, we know that together we can do it
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Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 23
November/December 2019
The Climate Election
The UK general election is the chance to put the climate crisis centre stage and Labour has risen to the occasion. Launching Labour’s election manifesto, Jeremy Corbyn promised to release a green industrial revolution creating a million green jobs, revive the UK’s manufacturing heartlands and put the UK on track for a zero-carbon energy system in the 2030s.
Read the newsletter here.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 22
September/October 2019
Unions back Youth Climate Strikes
Unions will be backing the Youth Climate Strike on 20 September. The plan, agreed at the Trades UnionCongress (TUC) annual conference in Brighton (September 10th), is for ‘30-minute workday campaigns’ across the UK. As Jo Grady, University and College Union told the conference, ‘The Youth Climate Strikes movement is one of the most impressive forms of mass action in recent years.’ The education union’s general secretary asked, ‘How will young people forgive us if we let them down, whilst they are building a movement at this pivotal moment for the world’s climate?’
Or, as Unite’s Steve Turner put it, ‘Unions will back the school strikes on September 20th. If we don’t, we will be seen as irrelevant.’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 21
July/August 2019
Making our mark on ‘Earth Strike Day, 20 September
The University and Colleges Union (UCU) will urge delegates to the TUC’s annual Congress in Brighton (September 8-11) ‘to call a 30-minute workday solidarity stoppage to coincide with the global school student strike on the 20th September.’ At least three unions, with some 345,000 members, (UCU, PCS and the Bakers’ Union) have already declared their support for a climate emergency.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 20
May/June 2019
Tipping points for planet and union movement
What will it take to release trade union energies to confront the climate emergency? Across the Arctic, large amounts of methane from rotting vegetation are trapped in permafrost. When scientists broke the ice in a demonstration watched by millions in David Attenborough’s BBC film, Climate Change, the facts, they ignited a bubble of trapped methane gas as it escaped. Vast expanses of the Arctic region, are fast approaching the tipping point when millions of lakes across the Arctic will release uncontrollable quantities of methane gas once they unfreeze. Methane is 40 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 19
March/April 2019Just Transition – What Just Transition?
News that the Scottish Government has awarded most of a multi-billion contract for offshore wind manufacture to firms in Belgium and Spain questions why Scotland ever set up the world’s first Just Transition Commission? The offended unions Unite and the GMB, whose members have lost jobs and skills opportunities, rightly say, ‘There’s no ‘just transition’ or ‘green jobs revolution’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 18
December 2018/January 2019
Wake Up Call! 1.5 to Stay Alive!
Thousands of protesters, led by the Campaign Against Climate Change, marched in London ahead of the UN climate conference in Poland demanding radical action to curb climate change. On 3 December, as politicians, officials and scientists from 195 nations assembled, the World Meteorological Organisation warned that the ‘window of opportunity to halt climate breakdown is almost closed.’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 17
October/November, 2018
UN Climate Report – final wake-up call
In a year in which extreme weather has battered every part of the planet, the UN’s scientific panel has issued its most critical report ever on climate change. Leading scientists, adding up all the promises to cut carbon made by countries signing the Paris climate agreement, conclude unanimously that these ‘commitments’ would see the world heat up by more than 3 degrees C by the end of this century …
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 16
July/August, 2018
Unions united have a unique opportunity to shape Labours policy…
There is much to welcome from this summer’s round of union conferences.Unite came out firmly against fracking, PCS decided to campaign for a Just Transition Act, and the Bakers’ union, champions of the McDonalds strikers, launched a new green newsletter, Green Stuff.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 15
May/June, 2018
Get in touch with the zeitgeist
When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, the Conservatives are well out of step with the general public. Onshore wind and solar power projects, starved of government backing, command huge public support (over 87% in one poll). The result? Green investment here has ‘plummeted to its lowest level for ten years.’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 14
March/April, 2018
Just Transition
In this Newsletter, we are launching a new Joint Statement on Just Transition, and would urge you to offer your organisation’s support. Global trade unions successfully campaigned to have a commitment to a ‘just transition’ inserted into the UN’s Paris Agreement in 2015. What happens next here in the UK will determine if this term has any meaning.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 13
January/February, 2018
A future which doesn’t cost the earth
The UK government must issue firmer, more ambitious decarbonisation policies as a “matter of urgency” if it is to meet its legally binding carbon reduction targets. So says the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), the government’s independent climate watchdog, in its formal response to last November’s Clean Growth Strategy.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 12
November/December, 2017
Bonn climate talks – unions zone in on Just Transition
Trade unions from across the globe headed for the international climate change talks in Bonn (November 6-17th) with a single purpose: to hold governments to their word that the Paris Agreement endorsed by the UN in December 2015 would ‘Take into account the imperatives of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities.’
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 11October, 2017
Our economy is in the wrong hands
A landmark study of public opinion in the UK since the General Election has found widespread support for Labour’s nationalisation agenda, and much less support for free enterprise. More than three-quarters of the public say that water, electricity, gas and railways should be in the hands of the public sector. Great then that unions have caught the new public mood.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 10
August, 2017
Another world is possible
Words are powerful and can shape our understanding. Dull words like ‘environment’ don’t sparkle. Scientist George Monbiot argues that , “If we called protected areas ‘places of natural wonder’, we would not only speak to people’s love of nature but also establish an aspiration that conveys what they ought to be. Let’s stop using the word environment, and use terms such as ‘living planet’ and ‘natural world’ instead, as they allow us to form a picture of what we are describing. Let’s abandon the term climate change and start saying ‘climate breakdown’. Instead of extinction, let’s adopt the word promoted by the lawyer Polly Higgins: ecocide.”
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 9
June/July, 2017
Caroline Lucas said, “It beggars belief that this election has been almost environment-free when we face an air pollution crisis, a climate denier in the White House, the threat of an extreme Brexit and accelerating climate change.”
She’s right of course. Both Labour and the Green Party manifestos presented voters with some of the most progressive and democratic environmental choices ever. Yet in reality, the issue disappeared from the debate.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 8
May, 2017
The Earth has a message for politicians in this election, and so do we. Measurements taken from Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory show that carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere just reached concentrations not seen in three million years. Trump may despise science and love fake news. Theresa May can sell off our only Green Investment Bank and fake action to deal with toxic air in our cities, as we report here. But the condition of the planet doesn’t lie.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 7
April, 2017
There’s no escaping the reality that unions are at the heart of the fight against climate change. No blind eye turning will help. No heavy hearted ‘jobs-versus-environment’ get outs. Fossil fuels are polluting the very air we breathe. Yet the transition from fossil fuels is ‘neither imminent nor inevitable’, as we report from a new TUED study. Trump has split the US labour movement by reversing President Obama’s ban on two trans-America pipelines. With average wages falling, what’s not to like about Trump’s promises of more oil and more steelmaking jobs?
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 6
February/March, 2017
The tame phrase ‘climate change’ hardly does justice to the universal carbon pollution that is choking our cities, acidifying the oceans, disrupting seasons with unbounded extremes of heat and cold, and magnifying storms and droughts. As we report here, one impact among many is on 140 million people displaced through climate-related disasters in the past six years. The risks will redouble in coming decades, reversing years of development activity and driving up inequality in the global South.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 5
January, 2017
The impact of a Donald Trump presidency has not taken long to emerge. The new White House website refers to an ‘America First Energy Plan’, getting rid of ‘burdensome regulations in our energy industry’ and scrapping Obama’s ‘Climate Action Plan.’ There is no mention of climate change, only the unlimited use of coal, shale gas and oil. The environment is reduced to protecting air and water.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 4
December, 2016
The three months since we re-launched the Greener Jobs Alliance has seen quite a few highs and lows. At the international level we had the coming into force of the Paris Agreement at the same time as a victory for Donald Trump in the US elections. Now we’ve had the latest announcement that a climate change sceptic, Scott Pruitt, has been put in charge of the Environment Agency. It has inevitably raised huge concerns about the future direction of US policy.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 3
November, 2016
Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter. It has been written against the backdrop of the election result in the USA, and the start of the CoP22 meeting in Marrakech.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 2
October, 2016
Welcome to the second edition of our newsletter. In it we report on debates and decisions at the TUC and Labour Party last month. We also continue our assessment of the steps needed to transform the economy to meet the challenges of a low carbon future.
Greener Jobs Alliance Newsletter No 1
September 1, 2016
Welcome to the first monthly newsletter from the GJA. We intend to bring you the latest information on trades unions and the environment. You can sign up for these updates by using the CONTACT or REGISTER AS A SUPPORTER tabs above. This is a free service and does not imply agreement with the content of the reports and articles listed. Finally, please contacts us with your views and any updates you would like us to promote. We can be contacted through our email